Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution pc savegame 100%

save game & unlocker for PC full

– Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: – all characters unlocked + costumes – lots of money – lots of medals

PC games all missions unlocked download free

Anime visuals and fluid 3D ninja fighting action come together once again for the next Ultimate Ninja STORM game yet. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM REVOLUTION features new gameplay mechanics including Combination Ultimate Jutsu attacks, allowing characters to combine their honed powers to create techniques to bring opponents to their knees. With a roster reaching 100 playable characters spanning the entire NARUTO and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN anime arcs, there are likely to be characters that fit everyone’s play style. A new character designed by NARUTO manga creator Masashi Kishimoto also makes an appearance in NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM REVOLUTION

saved game installation where to copy savegame PC location

How to install the savegame ? (save game location/folder ?)

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Copy savegame files to

* Steam version => <Steam Program Folder>\Steam\userdata\[steam user id number]\272510

replace <Steam Program Folder> and [steam user id number] by your steam folder and id number, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\999888\272510

* Other version =>

– if you are using CODEX version
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Steam\CODEX\272510\remote

– If you are using 3DM version
<Game Folder>\Profile\<YOUR PROFILE NAME>\Saves

download complete savegame full 100/% free





43 thoughts on “Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution”

  1. i have installed the CODEX version, but in the RLD is no folder with the name 71340, only a bunch of other numbers, can u clarify please?

    1. copy it to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Steam\CODEX\272510\remote

      replace username with your by your username


  2. first you must open your hidden folder. now you can find that user folder. replace to C:user/user/appdata/roaming/steam/CODEX/272510/remote

      1. dude what about this. i have the prophet but there’s no folder in CODEX or profile on my game directory. where should i put the save game?

    1. who said that’s 100% !!!!
      Read status next time
      – Status: – all characters unlocked + costumes – lots of money – lots of medals

  3. We want a 100% save game with everything unlocked including Story Mode(all missions,all accessories everything excluding the Network Clone Skills).

  4. When i come to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\number then i got more 3 folders with numbers then one mone config and one more ugcmsgcache first one muber is 7 i tried put in him folder remote? there?

  5. Thank you very much 😀

    PS: You may not see the folders that contain your save because they are hidden. You have to tell windows to show the hidden files. You will easily find out how to do this on Google.

  6. If you can’t find the file just pus the windows+R
    Button and search appdata, it will open the file and open roaming/steam/codex/272510/remote

  7. Para la version Prophet esta es la ruta:


    cualquier duda escriban a mi correo ****

  8. if y’all still struggling, first you have to show hidden items, i find it on Windows:(C), Users, hp_windows10, AppData, Roaming, Steam, CODEX, 272510. Hope this will help

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