Dying Light

Dying Light saved game 100% for PC

save game & unlocker for PC full
– Dying Light Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

PC games all missions unlocked download free

Dying Light is an action survival game presented in first-person perspective. The game is set in a vast and dangerous open world. During the day, you roam an urban environment devastated by a mysterious epidemic, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons to help you defeat the hordes of mindless, flesh-hungry enemies the plague has created. At night, the hunter becomes the prey as the infected grow in strength and aggression – but even more lethal are the nocturnal, inhuman predators that leave their hives to feed…

List of missions unlocked: Mission 01: Awakening,Mission 02: First Assignment, Mission 03: Air Drop, Mission 04: Pact with Rais, Mission 05: Siblings, Mission 06: The Pit, Mission 07: The Saviors, Mission 08: Higher Education, Mission 09: Public Face, Mission 10: Rendezvous at the Museum, Mission 11: Braodcast, Mission 12: The Clinic, Mission 13: Extraction

saved game installation PC location

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Choose save 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
3. Copy savegame files to

* Steam version:

<Steam Program Folder>\Steam\userdata\[steam user id number]\239140

replace <Steam Program Folder> and [steam user id number] by your steam folder and id number,
example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\999555\239140

* Other version:

– if you are using RELOADED version

– if you are using CODEX/PLAZA version

– If you are using 3DM version
Game directory>\3DMGAME\remote

– If you are using Ali213 version
<Game directory>\Profile\ALI213\Saves\out\save

4. Run the game, choose “play campaign” and select 100% save/story

Download savegame full 100%


38 thoughts on “Dying Light”

  1. Hi, guys thanks for this, I have the RLD! version but I still cant get it working.. any other ideas? do I need to alter steam Dir, thanks again

    1. copy all files save_coop_… to C:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD!\239140\storage\out\save

      and Run the game, choose “play campaign” and select 100% save/story

  2. hey guys, could anyone send me a game save from about 38% of the game, cuz i got mine corrupted and i donnow why

  3. could someone send me a game save between 50 and 60%, mine save game got erased after I installed the 1.3.0 update

    1. ProgramData is an hidden file , you have to chose Show hidden files in Folder Options

  4. can some one help me pls i dont have a DLM! or a name file on dying light only logs settings and a file called check nothing in there is called save or like that please help me guys 🙁

  5. Hi guys, I lost my save when I tried to update… my crack is ali123. someone have 10-15% profile?

  6. hello plz any one help i do copy one of the contenent of the folder 1 or 2 or3 ? or i have to copy contenent of all foler plz help me ^^

  7. Hello , I wonder if I could give one autosave of Dying Light by 80 % please do what a lot agredacere deveras

  8. Helle guys. I Got a question. Been playing DL for a long time now – Coop with a friend – problem is – we only play togethers . But when he opens His save game, its only 12% and when he joins me, (im 89%) he gets all His stift ect. Back.. So This is pretty annoying. My question is , since we in one or another Way stop following ingame, so i (THE host) only Got THE saves. Can i in someway, Copy my progress and send it to him?? If, Can Someone explayne how to do? Im not good with stuff like This – but hope Someone Can help US out . Cheers guys!

  9. I’m game nosteam wanted to know how do I change the save because I already zeroed the game and do not want to reset again so to be able to play The Following

  10. Anybody has a save file that is 100% story and the Survival, adgility and power skills are like 14-16 ?

  11. Hi… I use the ‘noSTEAM’ version of game what should i do? i wanna get a save file because yesterday when i started the game, (mission Sibling) I got it frm where i stopped but i had nothing on me i mean no weapons my all levels are 1 and inventory empty i cant play from first so am trying to get this file. And 1 more thing, is ur save.file contain nyc weapons and gadgets so i can play easily and money and firearms?Thank u plz replay

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