– Portal 2 Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%
Valve is working on a full-length sequel to its award-winning, mind-bending puzzle action game for the Xbox 360 and PC.
Developer: Valve Software
Genre(s): First-Person Shooters
How to install the save game ? (savegame location/folder ?)
1. extract the .zip archive
2. copy savegame files to
* steam version => <Steam Program Folder>\Steam\steamapps\<Steam Username>\portal 2\portal 2\SAVE
replace <Steam Program Folder> by your steam folder, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\******\portal 2\portal 2\SAVE
* other version => <Game directory>\SAVE
replace <game directory> by your game directory, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\portal 2\portal 2\SAVE