All posts by PC-game-saves

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down save game 100%

pc game unlocker

– Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

saved game pc infos

Experience missions similar to those encountered by U.S. Special Operations Forces during 10 months in Somalia. Fight through various compelling missions, each with multiple objectives. Engage in urban Close Quarter Battles and long-range sniper fire. Fire heavy weapons mounted in Black Hawk helicopters and on Humvees. New AI system powers combat-ready enemies as well as valuable friendly teams. [NovaLogic]

save game PC location folder

How to install the savegame ? (PC save game location ?)

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Copy savegame files to => <Game directory>

replace <Game directory> by your game directory, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\NovaLogic\Delta Force Black Hawk Down

Download Savegame PC 100% complete



rune  saved game PC


– Rune Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

saved game pc infos

A third-person game of action and adventure steeped in Norse mythology and high fantasy. Use your brains and massive brawn to survive as you explore the 3-D game world fighting off creatures from Norse legend and the fertile minds of the Human Head staff with their array of swords, axes, and magical devices. [Gathering of Developers]

save game PC location folder

How to install the game save ? (save game location ?)

1. extract the .zip archive
2. copy savegame files to =>  <Game directory>

Download Savegame PC 100% complete





Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood pc saved game for PC

pc gamesave all missions unlocker

– Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

saved game pc infos

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood transports players from a ravaged Civil War-era Georgia to the Aztec ruins of Mexico. In the wildest West ever depicted, players can embody both McCall brothers in an intense storyline full of greed, lust and lawlessness that takes place during a legendary period of American history. Become a Gunslinger – Harness a variety of weapons from various revolvers to heavy-caliber cannons and machine guns. Every accurate shot increases concentration, which allows players to unleash deadly shooting modes when outnumbered and even deadlier ones when the brothers work together. Dual Collaborative Gameplay – Players choose to embody Ray or Thomas, each with a distinctive gameplay style (close or long range), specific abilities (lasso, dynamite, etc.) and arsenal of deadly weapons (dual guns, long-range carbine, etc.). Take advantage of each of their strengths and join in the fiercest fights imaginable. Never Before Seen Western Experience – Experience the iconic settings full of outlaws – the West before it was tamed. The McCall brothers face a renegade Apache Chief, a greedy Mexican bandit, a vindictive Colonel, and others, all driven by greed with moral disregard. Enjoy a wide variety of situations, using horses, canoes and wagons to explore the vast natural landscapes of the fabled Wild West and its legendary period. Innovative Online Multiplayer – Developed in unison with the single player mode, multiplayer offers numerous modes and maps, resulting in endless hours of Wild West mayhem. Gunslingers, bandits and marshals struggle online for the bounty. Multiple characters are unlocked for team-based objective modes or the straightforward team death match. With a new Bounty system, players increase the bounty on their head with more kills. Get rid of the deadliest among you to increase your bank roll. [Ubisoft]

save game PC location folder

How to install the save game ? (savegame location /folder ?)

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Copy savegame files to =>  Documents\Call of Juarez – Bound in Blood

Download Savegame PC 100% complete




Call of Juarez: The Cartel

Call of Juarez: The Cartel pc saved game complete 100/100

pc gamesave all missions unlocker

– Call of Juarez The Cartel Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

saved game pc infos

Call of Juarez: The Cartel is a first-person shooter video game developed by Techland and published by Ubisoft The game is part of the Call of Juarez western-themed video games, but is set in modern-day Los Angeles and Mexico as up to three players take the role of law enforcement agents.[2] Call of Juarez: The Cartel was demonstrated at Penny Arcade Expo East 2011 and was released on July 19, 2011 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows on September 13, 2011

save game PC location folder

How to install the game save ? (savegame folder ?)

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Copy savegame files to

* Steam version => <Steam Program Folder>\Steam\userdata\[steam user id number]\33420

replace <Steam Program Folder> and [steam user id number] by your steam folder and id number, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\11612848\33420

* Other version =>

– If you are using Reloaded version

– If you are using Skidrow version

– If you are using FLT version

Download Savegame PC 100% complete




Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger pc save game 100% & unlocker

save game pc information

– Call of Juarez Gunslinger Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

savegame 100% description

 From the dust of a gold mine to the dirt of a saloon, Call of Juarez Gunslinger is a real homage to the Wild West tales. Live the epic and violent journey of a ruthless bounty hunter onto the trail of the West’s most notorious outlaws. Blurring the lines between man and myth, this adventure made of memorable encounters unveils the untold truth behind some of the greatest legends of the Old West.

savegame install folder

1. extract the .zip archive
2. copy savegame files to

* Steam version => <Steam Program Folder>\Steam\userdata\[steam user id number]\204450

replace <Steam Program Folder> and [steam user id number] by your steam folder and id number, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\11002848\204450

* Other version =>
– If you are using Reloaded version

– If you are using Skidrow version

– If you are using FLT version

download saved game free


Call of juarez

Call of juarez pc save game

save game info

– Call of juarez Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

saved game info

Call of Juarez is a unique first-person shooter set in the classic Wild West. Call of Juarez features classic gunslinging action including duels, shootouts and barroom brawls. Players relive the days of the Wild West in numerous settings including local saloons and brothels. In the single-player campaign, players enter the world of two opposing characters equipped with contrasting weapons and styles. Ray is the retired gunslinger turned rough-and-tumble preacher. Billy, a sneaky and elusive man befriended and trained by Native Americans, is on the run. Authentic Western situations chronicle the cat-and-mouse game played by Ray and Billy. Players are forced to make split-second decisions to escape the grasp of Ray or get their hands on Billy, and outwit secondary characters throughout this Western setting. Call of Juarez leverages Techland’s Chrome game engine which allows players to use objects found in the world as weapons or tools to solve problems. Graphics, artificial intelligence and multiplayer features will immerse players in the Wild West like never before. [Ubisoft]

savegame location

How to install the game save ? (savegame location ?)

1. extract the .zip archive
2. copy savegame files to => documents\Call of Juarez

PC save game download


Enslaved : Odyssey to the West

Enslaved : Odyssey to the West pc save game 100%

save game pc information

– Enslaved Odyssey to the West Save Game
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

savegame 100% description

 More than 150 years in the future, the world has transformed into an unrecognizable state where all that remains are a dwindling human population and merciless robots left over from wars long past. In Enslaved, players take on the role of Monkey, a strong and brutish loner, and his AI partner Trip, a technologically savvy but sheltered young woman from a peaceful community. Both become captured by a mysterious slave ship, which are rumored to harvest people and take them out west never to return. As they each attempt to escape, Trip realizes quickly that Monkey, with his raw strength and power, is the only hope she has of making the perilous journey back home. She hacks into a slave headband to enslave Monkey and link them together – if she dies, he dies. Her journey has now become his. Players must make sure both Monkey and Trip work together as they skillfully navigate through the world and survive against the dangerous enemy obstacles that lie in wait. Monkey will deftly wield his trusty staff weapon to attack and defend against enemies, using a combination of melee attacks, blocks and counters. He will also be able to perform spectacular takedown moves, allowing him to rip an enemy apart piece by piece, take its weapon for his own use or destroy it in one final blow. [Namco Bandai Games]

savegame install folder

How to install the save game ? (savegame location / folder ?)

1. extract the .zip archive
2. copy savegame files to => Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\MonkeyGame\SaveData

download saved game free



Dishonored Goty save game 100% & unlocker

save game pc information

– Dishonored: Game of the Year Edition Savegame / Dishonored + 3 DLC Save game 
– Platform: PC
– Status: 100%

savegame 100% description

 Approach each assassination with your own unique style. Use shadow and sound to your advantage to traverse silently through levels unseen by enemies, or attack foes head-on as they react to your aggression. The malleable combat system allows you to creatively synthesize your abilities, supernatural powers and gadgets as you negotiate your way through the levels and dispatch your targets. Improvise and adapt to define your modus operandi.

savegame install folder

1. extract the .zip archive
2. copy savegame files to

* Steam version => <Steam Program Folder>\Steam\userdata\[steam user id number]\205100

replace <Steam Program Folder> and [steam user id number] by your steam folder and id number, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\11002848\205100

* Other version =>

* If you are using Reloaded version

* If you are using Skidrow version

* If you are using FLT version

download saved game free